Ahnenforschung Piotraschke in PommernGenealogy Piotraschke in Pomerania
Private Webseite betrieben von Andreas Piotraschke in Beihilfe von Henry Maik PiotraschkePrivate website operated by Andreas Piotraschke in aid of Henry Maik Piotraschke
Webseite soll dazu beitragen, die Herkunft des Namens Piotraschke und
das Wissen wer unsere Ahnen waren, für unsere Kinder zu erhalten.This website is intended to help identify the origin of the name Piotraschke and knowledge of who our ancestors were, for our children to receive
We are responsible for any Information and instructions grateful to us to assist you, simply email to us. And maybe we have something for your family tree.
Petrus: P e t e r, P e t e r s, P e t r i — (slav). P i o t t e r,
P i o t r a s c h k e – (litt.)
By the crusades of the German order of knights in the 12th and 13th century if many Lithuanians and Slaven were kidnapped by your conquerors and were enslaved and became serfs in the prussian and prommerischen areas.